James was on his death bed for one day, and then low and behold the next day I catch his dreaded illness. Only I get mine for 2 weeks. I am really not sure what I had, but I did get some antibiotics last week which seemed to help a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the flu. Thankfully the kids avoided the whole thing. I'm really not sure how.
So what's been going on in our house the last few weeks?
Austin's football season ended and he got trophy #7. It's a cute little bobble-head trophy that broke on the way home from the football party. That is the 2nd trophy he has gotten that has broken immediately. I think the $15 they want for those things is a scam.
Austin is doing well in 1st grade. He got his first report card and had perfect marks. Although I am really not sure what he is learning. He does bring homework home, but he flies through it. The kid is very bright. The only thing he tells me he learns are these strange claps. I think they learn a few claps a day in his class... and use them when a student does something good. He has tons of them. Hmmm.
For example:
Let's see... what else.... I haven't been able to cook because of this:
Although it's really not the worst travesty in the world that I cannot cook.
I can't wash any pots/dishes in the bathroom sink and I refuse to go outside and wash them as my dear husband suggested. (In all fairness, I think he said "we" can wash them outside.) If you remember, we've had issues with the faucet ever since James squashed a fly tearing the whole darn thing off. $100 later we got a replacement faucet head. Then a few weeks ago, the darn hose that connects the faucet head to something else underneath the sink broke. Excuse me for my home maintenence vocabulary - I am NO handyman. And neither is my husband.
So we ordered a replacement hose and after hours of being under that kitchen sink - we (I) figured out it wasn't going to work. So instead of replacing the whole faucet (since it wouldn't match the sink) we decided to get a new sink and new faucet. Lowes is coming tomorrow morning to install it. Thank goodness. It stinks not having a kitchen sink.
The girls, well same old stuff there. So cute and best friends MOST of the time.