I cleaned out more closets. If you have never seen the show Hoarders before, you definitely should - as it will make you get into action and throw everything away. It is highly disturbing. I would do anything to avoid being like that. If our neighbors are paying attention to the amount of trash that has been placed outside the last few weeks, I'm sure they think we're nuts.
I found a box full of old cds. Really old. I won't embarrass myself by telling you exactly what was it included. Also in the same box I found all the documents from a cruise James and I took in 2001. I kept everything. I have no idea why. Potential hoarder in the making?
Anyway, these pictures were in there. Weren't we cute? And tan... well at least James was.
Ahhh, those were the days.
This is the kind of fun we had this weekend. The kids' new obsession is reading Where's Waldo books. We take weekly trips to the library and the area that holds the Waldo books gets hit first. Then princess books. Then My Little Pony and Barbie. Then Dora. Then so on.
We lit the fire and about 2o minutes passed before they found all the Waldos. They are really good. I have a much harder time finding Mr. Waldo and his friends.
We played board games and darts. Austin has apparently beaten James a few times now.
I started a new series of books my sister recommended - the Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers. It is very good. I might have neglected some parenting duties by reading 300 pages on Friday.
We watched a show on the Food Network called The Worst Cooks in America. My mouth was watering on some ravioli and mushroom dish. James went to the store to try and find the ingredients to cook for us, but unfortunately it called for some very strange things (pancetta?) that the average store did not have. I will have to try and find it later this week. Anyway, he came home with the new Patty Melt from Whataburger instead. Hellooo deliciousness! So not good for me but oh so good! James said he'd make the dish later this week. What a great hubby!
Austin came up with a new game called "square bounce." I think it's like 4 corners only you use a bouncy ball and the ceramic tile in your house. Very inventive. We seriously need some warmer weather.
Emily played with her princess dolls. This is her favorite thing to do - she would do this all day if she could. She has the best imagination.
Abby made these glasses in Sunday School.
And that pretty much sums up our exciting weekend. No pictures of the room yet. Or closets for that matter. We're looking forward to the Pro Bowl tonight. Perfect time to do some more laundry. Yeah for me!