I really wanted to put this picture on top because it cracks me up every time I look at it.
I decided against it and went with our Christmas picture instead.
We've had a busy week, it seems like there is always something going on. This weekend I decided to tackle the closets upstairs (kids rooms). They've been needing to get done for about... hmmm 2 years. Pretty pathetic. James claimed we had a box of boys clothes in the attic which I don't ever remember boxing up. I thought we gave them all away. He went up there and sure enough there was a big bin. Score! I feel so much better knowing I don't have to buy a completely new wardrobe for this boy. So I boxed up all of Austin's 3T and 4T stuff and washed all the new found clothes and hung them up in the baby room.
This is a shot of all the diapers I have so far. Any time I have a coupon or they go on sale I get a box. Hopefully I'll have a whole year's worth when the baby comes.
When I was going through Austin's closet I found 2 big boxes and I had no idea what was in them. We opened them up and found some beautiful dolls James' mother had gotten for their first Christmas. We put them away immediately because they were way too small for them at that moment. I felt so bad I forgot about them - that they were just boxed away in the back of a closet. The girls are at the perfect age to play with them now. His mom named one Elizabeth (Abby's middle name) and one Paige (Emily's middle name). I've been thinking so much about his mom lately. One of our neighbors lost their father last week and as she was telling me the story about his final days with hospice which reminded me of her. I always think about her, but just more so this week. I feel so sad she won't be here for this baby's birth (and James' father) and that my kids won't remember either one of them. I know they're looking down on us, but they sure are missed. I was so happy to show them the dolls that their grandma got them.
Here the girls are with their "new" dolls. I'm trying to grow their bangs out now, so their hair is driving me crazy!
Anyway, I still haven't completed the closets but hopefully this week. I need to address the baby's room soon as I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate having flowers and butterflies all over his room. Actually he could care less, but James really wouldn't appreciate it...