In other news... I am now 28 weeks pregnant. Finally in the 3rd trimester. Things are going well, except I've had a few injuries so I'm trying to slow it down some now. It all started almost 2 weeks ago on Monday. I went to my strike/kickboxing class, felt ok, came home and tried to put our stroller together. I got a good deal on it online at Babies R Us... it was on sale, plus I got free shipping, and found a 20% online code. So it was way cheaper than what I would have gotten it for at the store. Anyway, as I was putting it together I couldn't get the darn thing to open and somehow really hurt my shoulder in the process. James finished it for me that night, so now we have one more thing crossed off the list.
Then that night I was making chicken burgers for dinner (so yummy) and somehow sprained my ankle. Yes, a cooking injury. I somehow actually managed to get injured in the kitchen. It was pretty mild, bruised just a bit, but it took a few days for it to heal.
By Thursday I was feeling better so I went to spinning on Thursday and Friday. Then step on Saturday. Then on Monday I really screwed myself up. I went to a boot camp style class (it wasn't real boot camp but that's the closest thing I can compare it to). I really don't know what I did, but that night I could hardly walk. Tuesday and Wednesday I could hardly walk. I did something to my left side lower back/upper rear end. I know it's not pregnancy related, but I'm taking the events of the last 2 weeks that I really need to slow it down. I was hoping I could maintain the same pace for the duration but it doesn't seem likely.
I had my gestational diabetes test last week and hopefully will get the results at my appointment on Tuesday. I almost threw up having to drink that nasty orange stuff. Then I got stuck in the small waiting room with a girl who was on her cell phone for the entire hour. I tried to read but it just didn't happen. Fun times. On paper, I had gestational diabetes with the girls, but I really think it was nonsense. They gave me the test right after I had steriod shots for the girls lungs, and I've heard that can really skew the results. My blood sugar was never out of whack like you'd think. So hopefully I don't have it.
Little boy is growing nicely! I call him Evan. James calls him a whole bunch of different names. He is moving around like crazy now!
The girls had a candy birthday party today and came home with tons of sugar. Here they are "toasting" their goodies - saying "cheers" and laughing like crazy. What's funny is that we don't give many toasts in this house - so we're wondering where our media-sheltered kids get these things.
Oh and as I was finishing this up, Austin lost his second tooth. Literally lost for a few minutes while the kiddos were playing Hullabaloo. Abby found it on the carpet in his room 10 minutes later. 2 teeth in one month - Austin is going to be rich!
Here is heroic Abby telling the story...