The kids all attended VBS at our church last week and had a blast.
Calcium queen? 2% kiddo? Got Abby? I love when they do crafts (and I can usually tell what it is). This one really stumped me. Hmm... Perhaps it's a megaphone?? Unfortunately, none of them could tell me its purpose. We'll go with hat...
They even had a performance on Thursday night. What a touching tribute to Michael Jackson:
I am totally kidding about the MJ thing, but it still cracked me up. Their theme of the week was "Studio Go" which was sort of like a game show, hence the white gloves.
This is Emily right before she walks off stage and announces to the thousand people in the audience (ok, maybe a couple hundred) that she HAS to go pee-pee. Then she proceeds to sit with us the rest of the performance... serves us right arriving 30 minutes early to get good seats.
There was a really cute (and tall) little boy that blocked Abby almost the entire time. So here's proof that she was there also:
I really should have volunteered this year and have no legitimate excuses as to why I did not, but let me just say that having 3 hours to myself everyday last week was priceless. I got to go to the gym and grocery store alone, I got to clean and shower by myself, and I even had a "date." I picked up some food one morning, rented He's Just Not That Into You and sat on my hiney the whole 3 hours. It was complete paradise.