Austin constantly asks questions about God. Today he asked why we can't hear God talking to us. I told him God talks to us in different ways, in which he responded "I wish he'd talk to me in English." I laughed so hard and then the girls had to pipe in - they wished God talked to them in Chinese, Spanish, French, etc. They crack me up.
Anyway, we went and played at a park this morning.
Jurassic Park V (sneak preview)
Our tree-hugging boy was holding on super tight. Not really tree-hugging... more like tree "holding on for dear life." He was only about 8 ft. up though...
Little Miss Attitude. Styling in her pink shades - trying to avoid the Paparazzi.
"Higher, higher! Wait, not that high..."
We brought bread for the ducks, but there were no ducks to be found. No big loss - the girls got a snack out of it. They were really excited about this snack. A little too excited. Certainly that's not a statement about the last few meals I've made...
James and one of his three "mini-me's" - the other two kiddos were watching a nutria "play" with some turtles. It's funny how people see nutria as pests - whereas beavers are seen as cute.
Run fast Mr. Squirrel...
Austin had some "artwork" shown at the district art festival. This work is from his "feathers" period.
But the real reason he wanted to go was for these fried Oreos. I tried a bite - yuck. Better without the batter if you ask me...
They had arts and crafts for the kids to do.
Austin's soccer season has come to a close, although we are still waiting for the trophy celebration.